Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

8737 4868 5222


Pls add my accounts and from my girlfriend for xp and later Trade if you want, especially regio Pokémon’s. A Group of Gamers who open Gifts Evers day! Send gifts pls, we have here only a few poke stops:

0583 4567 3714 Me

5806 9289 2086 Girlfriend

8210 0986 4905 Friend

6622 9518 5655 Friend
3204 1145 6735 Friend
2635 0114 0424 Friend

4475 0428 8343 Brother
0227 3566 9221 Sister

0146 5150 2424 Little-Sister-please help her too

Please add all of us!

We are from Germany.
Thank you

IGN: Blestoh

492837101287 (copy&paste)

4928 3710 1287 (manual)

Requests have been sent! For now I’ll be sending gifts. Perhaps in the future I’ll invite you for raids.

Here my friend code
i play when I can and I always send gift when its up
And down to do remote raids when they are up

Hi, we need some new active friends

4204 8588 9903
2272 9553 8869

Team Blue from Dortmund, Germany

6879 5036 8932 From Newfoundland Canada. I send gifts daily.

1 Like

Hey guys, I have some friends from Brazil that need friends to send/open gifts everyday!

Their codes:
6163 1574 5607 dpedrosod
2348 0053 6525 RomildoBolzanJr
0870 4667 5368 Caxuxakage
9865 9744 3469 BaaChiyo

0777 1461 1601 hansputta11
Send/open gifts daily :pray:

Please add me im sending gifts everyday!!! (:
My code is 3887 4908 6581

I am from Russia and I search players from other countries for exchange gifts. I want to get eggs with Tropius and Corsola. 6943 1532 6896

Add me and invite to any raids when I’m online :slight_smile:

5749 6462 2900

9976 4794 9323

Hi I’m just creating a new page for players looking to gain friends willing to send/receive gifts regularly, to help with the 3 friend mission and to help those put who cant get to pokestops due to location issues
Anyone wanting to add me my trainer code is
2924 9978 2176
I usually send gifts and open them daily

My trainer code: 7938 8929 1701
Drop yours down if you want me to add you


Hi, I need some new active friends

4949 7300 6155

Team Blue from Dortmund, Germany

My trainer code is: 8234 6022 3293

Happy to accept new requests.

5904 1173 6574

Waiting New friends!

3065 7430 9443

3666 8721 0884

Daily Gifts and raid invitations

I search for new Friends.
Daily Gifts and raid invitations.

My Codes:
3666 8721 0884
3065 7430 9443