[Q&A] How many/which Perfect Pokémon do you have?

So a few friends downloaded Pokemon go over here and we went to catch a few Pokemon for half an hour and I found this


The only other hundo I really cared about this event.


One more needed to complete the family.


The only way for that statement to make sense is to have gotten more than two hundos this event. Congratulations for the windfall!

Try to really care about all of them, considering most other players got NO hundos at all this event.

I caught some repeat hundos that I didn’t post here since I only post new unique ones, or try to. My luck with repeat hundos this year has been insane so I haven’t been posting them here.

Can’t say no to 100% Beldum from a Trade.
Going to be costly to make it L40 or L50 Metagross.





The game’s internal random number generator (governing the rates of shinies and hundos) manifests such wide disparities between different players (and even between different species for the same player), despite the odds supposedly being the same.

Hearty congratulations to those who find weekly hundos, often even multiple hundos in a week. Sympathies to those who only find one every few months. Makes me wonder what side-factors affect the calculations to make them so uneven.

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I am actually refusing to believe that. I feel like people who play the game maybe once per six months seem to have a way higher Shiny rate than those who play daily. I have seen at least ten times those kind of people get a Shiny Legendary on their first check or some kind of full odds Shiny within ten checks. There is literally no way they have the same odds as us. I know someone, who has 6 non-CD Shinies maybe?, and at least 4 of those were Shiny on his first check. One even being Pidgey. And someone else, who got two Shinies within his very first five minutes of playing, one being the Male version of Nidoran.

That said, I DO believe people who play ten hours a day have the same Shiny odds as people who play ten hours a week, or something like that. But I cannot confirm that.


You can certainly greatly increase the amount of hundos you get by living in a city with an active Discord and/or scanners.

Unfortunately I’m a luddite that lives in a village.

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The only times I’ve been able to get a spawn that was reported on Discord was when I was within a block or two of the spawn location (meaning I could see it on the ‘nearby’ and could walk there in a minute). Otherwise, they always seem to despawn before I can get there.

Raids, Pokéstop field research tasks and Team Go Rocket appearances are the main things reported on Discord that I can reach before they go away.

Yes, for Hundos it works, but no explanation for how to find so many Shinies…



I can vouch for that. We have a tight knit group of players here where I am who also report hundos when they catch them, giving us a heads up to see if we can get there fast enough to catch them. We also help each other raid a lot so we often get hundos from raids.

My luck with Raids for hundos is strangely on the low end, while my hatches and wild encounters feels much higher than it should. That being said, I sometimes feel some species of Pokemon just don’t want to be hundos for me. Absol currently is the worst offender.

Legendaries and Mythicals for some time has been quite unkind to me for hundos, although I was quite content with high-IV ones to get by. This year there was a dramatic change.

2018: 1 hundo Legendary
2019: 1 hundo Legendary, 1 hundo Mythical
2020: 2 hundo Legendary, 1 hundo Mythical
2021: 6 hundo Legendary (two in a single month)

I don’t know when the luck will change for the worse, but it’s nice to see my hundo luck shifting to Raids.


My 100% Legendary Raid success is very lean. Mythical is non existent.
2017 = 1 Legendary
2018 = 1 Legendary
2019 = 0
2020 = 1 Legendary
2021 = 0

Meanwhile trading has given me a second Tepig to complete the Family.



Another 100% spawn at home from last night.


EDIT: On the way back from work, this spawned next to me. It wasn’t even on the “Nearby Pokemon” in the game, so I was a little shocked to see it spawn. So, I caught it not thinking much of it…until I appraised it.

EDIT2: I think this is Niantic’s way of trying to get me to spend money, but I don’t think they thought it through. XD