Active players and looking for players from across the world so please add me.
Gifts will be reciprocated of course.
Add me
4695 9639 2064
My Son and I would love to exchange gifts with people from all around the world.
We are from Yorkshire in the UK
0326 4261 6805
3372 0422 4940
From Madeira Island, frineds welcome 5709 4428 2027
Add me . I am from Spain. 8543 0605 2840. I will send gifts.
2125 0315 1670 this is fantastic thank you for adding me
new jersey new York united states
Code 2336 0941 6786
Level 40
South America
4258 9001 9610
9768 2434 6473
from Germany, everyone can add
I don’t know when this will be but I’m going to build up my gifts as I can’t remember who has given me gifts if I have you as a friend on Pokemon’s go please message on here and as soon as I get a gift I will send as soon as possible
Add me please 461921494585
8719 6828 9024
My trainer code 5904 4439 5926
Hey everyone my code is 9558 0920 2788
573387905901 Trainer from Germany TL 4xlvl40 very active every day
7792 0251 7003