Pokemon capture calendar challenge!

You need to try show the date next time


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This challenge cant be…
Dates are written on another way in europe then in america

Well I live in Europe , so for the Americans, we could write the date underneath the image in americain

I live in Singapore :singapore:


Ah, I don’t have the next one :sweat_smile:

Does anyone have it?
(And @coolguy761, try to show the date of the Pokémon at the bottom of its screen next time, but thanks for posting the first three :sweat_smile:)

I think this one was next…
Btw the date is just 4 January, not the first of April…

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I get it, that’s a great example of what European players should do

Dang it thats the only one I had from that time :joy_cat:

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I know it’s an ivysaur! :sweat_smile: This is from January 5th

You mean 1/5/2017 January 5th, 2017?

Yes, but in Europe we have the dates the other way around to you, my bad for writing it in numbers

There, I changed it now @Pokemon

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