Need help with Swinub!

If international trading comes out…

Swinub transfer :wink:

Years ago I was a lot of times in holidays in Nieuwvliet, near to Breskens.

Where is that? Sorry :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

It’s Netherlands, near to the border with Belgium. :sunglasses::sunglasses:

Oh, cool! :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

Not too far from your site, isn’t it?

If 20,000 miles wasn’t far…:crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

I live in LA, California, @bagguille :rofl::muscle:.

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Oh, I was confused, I’ve seen you writing in the Dutch topic, and I mixed you up with the area of the map from Brobraam

:rofl: This is were international trade comes in .

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74% is pretty solid.
85% if you’re willing to power up all the way from lvl 7.


Thanks for the knowledge - that’s my one new thing learned today, now my brain can go back to sleep again :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Couldn’t imagine that this isn’t known… but well, if it has helped, better

Try to trade the ones you are going to trash - if you re-roll & get worse, they were going to be ground up for candy anyway. If you get better IVs from someone who has swinubs to trade or are lucky enough to get a lucky, all the better!

I might meet @Mew1 soon.

That is my only hope for trade.

15 attack one

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