First throw
Excellent throws
Great throws
Nice throws
Catching 500 of same spieces ( reward: Professor glasses)
Catching 1000 of same spieces (reward: professor gloves)
Catching 2000 of same spieces (reward: professor pants)
Catching 5000 of same spieces(reward: Professor’s Lab coat)
got any medal ideas? Drop them below.
This would bring in more clothing styles and if that doesnt peak your interest, When you get bronze, silver, gold medals it gives XP and A load of stardust.
Something with hours defending a gym, ment as an hard to earn, weeks or months work for a daily battler.
Bronze 2500 hours
Silver 25000 hours
Gold 25000 hours.
Most medals are kind of easy, so some hard medals are welcome.
On with the tracking perfect ones, how about how many 0% IV ones we got? I have two, and I’m oddly proud of that fact. I keep them! They’re my Zero Force (think sentai)