I have shiny Ho-oh
4 shinies. Aerodactyl caught in wilds during pokefest on weekend was laying in bed, during event weekend two shiny articunos, and this week shiny swablu wilds. Got off the bus just popped up randomly.
37 shinies. Ampharos, Aron, Blastoise, Bulbasaur, Charizard, Dragonite, Dratini, Flaaffy, Kabutops, Magikarp, Makuhita, Mareep, Meditite, Pikachu, Plusle, Poochyena, Raichu, Snorunt, Squirtle, Swablu and Venusaur. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any shiny Larvitar because I could only play for half an hour on that Community Day. Other shinies with evolutions I’m saving when double XP evolution event comes.
That’s what I call a good one.
What did Niantic do with your pokeball? Snowballs vs. Shiny Aron…
You get it from the gym next to your house?
since yesterday i’ve got a shiny Roselia, shinyrate 1:38…
So that makes number 5 for me.
The others
1 Squirtle
1 Blastoise (Caught as a Squirtle)
1 Minun
1 Plusle
Imma Flip a coin. If the result is tails imma transfer it. It is the third one i encountered (and captured)

Result is heads
You better find a plug to charge than flip that coin
My list now contains 23 shinies:
1 Pikachu
1 Raichu
1 Ivysaur
1 Venusaur
1 Dratini
1 Dragonite
1 Hariyama
1 Medicham
1 Wobbuffet
1 Charmander
1 Charmeleon
1 Charizard
1 Murkrow
1 Swablu
1 Aggron
1 Sunglass Blastoise
1 Wartortle
1 Minun
2 Plusle
3 Squirtle
- I’m not very lucky on CD’s
- The Hariyama and the Swablu were both LVL1 at time of encountering. I’m powering them up for quests now.
I see I still got a lot to do😅
Yes Babette
113 total:
10 bulbs
1 Ivysaur
1 Venusaur
6 Charmander
2 Charizard
8 Squirtle
1 Wartortle
4 Blastoise
2 Pikachu
1 Raichu
1 magikarp
1 gyrados
1 omanyte
2 Aerodactal
1 Articuno
5 Zapdos
8 dratini
1 dragonaur
2 Dragonite
1 togepi
8 Mateo
1 flaffy
1 ampharos
5 larvatar
2 Ttar
4 Lugia
1 Hooh
1 Aron
11 plusle
2 minun
9 Roselia
1 wailmer
1 wailord
1 swablu
2 snowrunt
2 kyogre
Whats a mateo?