General discussion

Has anyone realized that niantic has STILL not fixed the “issue” with remote feeding yet???

does anyone know when the pokemon go safari zone tickets sale in europe will start?

Gillesduif they said you don’t need to biy tickets, just to register.

I didn’t expect them to do anything with remote feed for a week or 2

Seems like they should have not advertised that feature in the update notes, then.

I guessed that they may implement remote berry feeding at the conclusion of GoFest bonuses. Since the bonuses were extended until tomorrow, 7/27, at 9pm PT, I have a suspicion that if they are going to add a patch to the past update they will. If they don’t add the patch tomorrow I don’t think remote berry feeding will be implemented until Moltres is introduced into the game on 7/31.

Remote feeding has worked for me since yesterday

Yes, the new feature works!!! now, we can all be COUCH COMMANDERS! Mwahahahaha!!!

Someone is happy with this feature…:wink:

I wish this chat was easier to use. Can’t do it at all on my phone and have to tilt my kid’s tablet sideways to type.

Remote feeding would be great. I have a bunch Nanak berries to use and I don’t discard them because I do use them when i go to all the different gyms.

Hey is the double event finished ? If not how long we still have you know?

It’s over. Sadly…but thank you, Niantic, for te best event ever!

Does anyone see any fresh Lugia raid right now after the GO Fest Bonus?

Never mind, just saw 1 myself…

Oh then i was thinking to do another mass evolution hehe

Safari event in Copenhague and Amstelveen are postponed

And Stockholm and Prague as well

GUYS, Check your gym defenders! Everything is going down as fast as a 3000 Blissey! This is NOT good!!!