General discussion

Look up Achmed the dead terrorist from Jeff Dunham. A comedian who works with puppets. He is hilarious. Does also the knock knock joke :joy:

Looking for Giovanni. Who wants to play the role during this Team Rocket Day?

hahaha my Arbok just took down a raid!

is Carnivine in Virginia? I mean, he IS listed as being in the Southeastern US.

knock knock

Hoo’s there

@Gengar1 here is some info:

MrHeineken88: NUTS! thanks for the info tho.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Share Pokémon GO Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

nice cant load game

New ultra box contents. 15 Raid passes. quite nice.

Got 49 already… To many tier 5 raids, not enough raidpasses here.

bout time i waited and saved

shiny rayquaza march 15!-18!

Well you certainly didnt get that from Niantic themselves did you. 2+ weeks notice isnt really their style.

i only ever get ingame info from niantic

everything else is from leaks

dates could be wrong thats why i aint make a topic

but i wouldnt be surprised