General discussion


Good morning

Time for some hunting!

Hello all, @ElectroBlade, would have been awsome if you make a selfi of this… :joy:

Hi all

how are you doing today?

got some amazing news

Rocket map has admitted defeat to new security

one by one, 3rd party apps are going down

if someone, could share this to /r/pokemongo that’d be awesome

will they be coming back or Niantic won the battle with them

They have beaten one of the main groups of trackers but there are still others

Very good, or at least it shows that Niantic is working in the right direction…

We really hope you enjoy checking out these loading screens as much as we enjoy making them. Stay tuned to see what’s coming up next!

Niantic said this

Gym rework maybe this coming Thursday?

here’s hoping

сидит дед, во сто шуб одет.
хочешь, ротиком проверь.

Can anyone pls test this?