General discussion

Wow. Very nixe


I still like my Nokia :grin:

I still like my iPhone 7 lol

I still use iPhone SE from 2016

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Share Pokémon GO Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)


Images seem broken everywhere on the forum… Is that just me or does everyone see that?

Just you. Those are probably the picture frames, but the picture themselves still had to load

weird… Theyre still not loading…

Same here. I use the app. But I checked normal Chrome on my phone, it’s still not loading.

I checked Firefox on my mobile, still nothing, going to desktop model didn’t help either.

It is not account related, on Firefox I wasn’t logged in.

Working again now… No idea why :smile:

Since I woke up about 8hours ago. Don’t care why, just happy it works again. :blush:

looks like Shiny Regis and Skarmory were accidentally released today. Yet again in the night. Not fair😂

Night is Niantics favorite time to fail…

probably just in the morning their local time when the workday is starting. Havent had their coffee yet.

Every time I get a notification I am like

”here I go again, removing friend codes from this thread”