General discussion

think it was blue befor so ukno they were scared :face_with_monocle:

Haha just got my Ninetails back, after 8days in my semi private gym.

i would take ur private gym


You have to spoof to get to it. I don’t :laughing:

:frowning:whyso mych codes

still partying

Trainercodes ain’t allowed here.

Please remove it here and post here:

Thank you.

@Indiantny @Gloria00007

Doe you live under a rock @Dreyes ore are you blind?


You think he will even come back to read that :sweat_smile:

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Pokémon GO Trainer Codes - Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Wrong place @Proflagomorph

there is an official megatread on it


Then select “categories”, and then “friendship and trading” or something like that

my phone forever dead


been gg’ing all year