General discussion

Same, hope to walk those 9 eggs before my nightshift is over.

Sup all

no problem @Mrswebb

@5GodLink, same , I watch my phone type then spook my sister :smiling_imp:

lol ghostly

spooky @pokemon :rofl:

Trainercodes ain’t allowed here @Eljodon @Andre.

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jus got 50 coins off 1 mon

think it was blue befor so ukno they were scared :face_with_monocle:

Haha just got my Ninetails back, after 8days in my semi private gym.

i would take ur private gym


You have to spoof to get to it. I don’t :laughing:

:frowning:whyso mych codes

still partying

Trainercodes ain’t allowed here.

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@Indiantny @Gloria00007

Doe you live under a rock @Dreyes ore are you blind?