General discussion


Sup @alex9945

jus killed the pokemon song topic

some 1 call drizzy

@Pokemon I don’t have any problems that you keep tagging me here for the friend codes but, as I already said, I cannot do anything. For me it’s been deleted, not sure why you can still see it.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Pokémon GO Trainer Codes - Add Friends (Official Megathread)

@Jormdeworm the chat seems to lagg alot. Noticed it yesterday.

it alwaus lagged

i can never type properly here

i legit type then see my keyoard still rpressin buttons

iphone 5s problems :man_facepalming:t4:

some trainers goinback to school this week

leas activity on here :man_shrugging:t5::unamused:

burp aw jjeez ima like burp timetravel just now awwww jheez

Rick sanchz might not like timetravel

but i do

Lol, it ain’t cheating just bending the rules

i pull a Thanos an bend time

Lol, I try get it done in order!! Why do some Pokémon evolve by walking? And also I got a totodile from a raid and a weird shiny red egg!!

@Ruraldisaster 7km walking?