General discussion

why do so many people agree with my ideas but dont post

thank 5God for polls​:man_facepalming:t4: :pray:t4:

wonder what happnd to my haters who trolled my topics then again kinda know


They probably gave up cause you treated them as trolls instead of just people with other ideas of how the game should look like.

bad trolls bad

majority rules :man_shrugging:t5:half of them were rude to new forum trainers anyways

and never made a good topic in their troll life


@Jormdeworm there is a bad post

Another one bites the dust :grimacing:

Who is on right now



im always on

pokemon go is my life and the forum is my soul

Dam bro

can say that again

i wake up middle of night to see what the uk trainers are posting about

but i aint “most active” :man_shrugging:t5::sob:lol @ dat