Lavender Town - Discobot (15 chars)

What’s the % chance to catch regirock
@discobot fortune

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:crystal_ball: Yes


Really boring…

Y’all would probably have been thrilled with the ‘magic 8 ball’ from the seventies. That was entertaining for about a minute, too.

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Hihi, yes. Your answer is much more funny than this Discobot

@discobot roll 6d66

@discobot are you ok?

@discobot fortune

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:crystal_ball: Cannot predict now

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@discobot roll 6d66

:game_die: 13, 37, 8, 2, 8, 17

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@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Signs point to yes

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About you leaving hub??

@discobot roll 13d666

Did you know that the maximum number of sides for a mathematically fair die is 120?

:game_die: 11, 32, 9, 44, 61, 16, 38, 83, 95, 48, 101, 4, 23

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@discobot do you want to eat ice cream

@discobot you still haven’t given me good Powerball numbers yet.

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Say something like this: @discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Yes definitely

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