General Discussion - Charmander will be next Community Day pokemon. From my point of view, worst community day so far

I think it’s cool since Community Days started we’ve got know a lot more players to do raids in town so on that side it’s good

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It would be nice if they add Charmander Quests

Thay did with the last one

I know

Both my kids got their first Charizards during the Kanto event. I already have 6 nice ones. My only goal for this event is to get a nice black Charizard and some extra candy to power him up if necessary.

A lot of people needs a Charizard in their Pokedex. Niantic is doing we’ll with these Community Days. It’s really fun to reunite with other trainers that play the same game as us. Shiny Charizard will bring a lot of Hype to almost everyone because it looks so COOL.

My local community makes these into an event each time. My son and I did the first 2 and had a blast. The next 2 were on Sundays which I had to work. On those 2 CDs, he took the dogs for a 3 hour walk and I patrolled the facility for 3 hours. We both caught plenty of Bulbasaurs and Mareep. The next one I have scheduled training in the morning but hope to be home in time for event.

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This will most definitely be the best community day thus far. Dust madness. Shiny charizard. Blastburn.


So far, maybe
But just wait for a Gible day…

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That will be epic for Garchomp.

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There could be worse. Community day is about COMMUNITY not Get a rare meta-relevant mon
And, with the way things are looking, you’ll have your precious little larvitars or bagons next as it seems that so far it has gone Starter-5k-Starter-5k-Starter


I’m in no hurry to get rid of monsters that will pop out in front of me anyway…

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Shiny Charizard is dope, really don’t care if it’s meta relevant or not


What’s wrong with that? It’s a great shiny

They are rare by me too. I think Charizard was my last 3 stage evolution of the starters.

I’ve been playing since the start, everyday, and if I’ve seen 2 dozen charmanders in the wild (no eggs) in two years that’s a lot I’m in queens NYC and Charmander is extremely rare in the areas I travel. I have one 96iv charizard with a legacy movset from August 2016. I just evolved another a few weeks ago. Looking forward to the next community day. I need the dust and the whole shiny dragon family!

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I’m super excited to have x3 stardust during the event, on the other hand, I havent really used any of the community day pokemon so I see it more as an opportunity to get a new shiny and Charizard is one of everyone’s favourite

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So what do you want… Magikarp? @Elevatorisbest

(I agree @Elevatorisbest)… but it will be the most popular community day… at least it is a community day… and I am fine with 3 times startdust and shiny charizard. Honestly… mareep bonus 4 times walking distance was the work for me… :grinning: oops I used to many of these (…) :sweat_smile:

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Shiny Charizard + Dust = Great time