Why have you uglified and de-gendered my character?

What the hell is this? My avatar looks like a freak and I can’t make her look right again. Why have you done this?

What the hell is this? Your grievance is addressed to completely the wrong people who can’t do anything to make it better. Why have you posted this?


I get that you are upset, but we are not the ones responsible for the change. Niantic is already aware the community’s outrage and has already been working on improvements.

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The problem is if you touch your avatar.
I have made no changes, and I have no negative effect.

Don’t react on every change from Niantic in the first moment, and then you have no problems…


It’s entirely possible that this will end up being good and allowing for more people to have a more accurate representation of themselves in-game. Right now it’s not great, but they will probably work to make it better.


They must a lot of coin from the fashion shop to put so much effort into cosmetic fluff that adds absolutely nothing to how the game plays mechanically.
I’d rather the game play better than look better.
I guess it’s just like lots of people out there obsessed with their outside appearance when inside they are a broken dysfunctional mess.


I know it’s like GMs gave the SAO mirror and made it ugly. they should gave us the “Pokemon” body and eyes…

Like this one for example… NOT the crappy woke Avies.

Yea…no. No female player likes looking like a freak, and I don’t know anyone who likes the freaky babyfaces. The only people who like it are certain creeps that get annoying on Twitter. I had to make my avatar look like Fat Albert just to stomach him, and he still looks fugly.

You’re wrong. They just doubled down on these ugly changes, even mocking people upset with the very questionable community manager.

All I’m saying is that we should give them time to fix it—and THEN, if they don’t, yell at them.

Fair enough. I wouldn’t hold my breath for changes. Theyre okay making less cash from the raid nerfs.

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Eight years ago (nearly) I choosed an outfit, and I never changed it.

I’m shure, if tried to change today, the result will be more worth than never.

So, the decision is “Don’t touch it”.

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I want my old avatar back. Yes, I am invested in visuals. Not everyone that is displeased with the change are vain and shallow.

Many people that play the Pokémon games do so because of the creature design and to some extent the character design. Having an avatar that looks like a puddy face with a sack body is off putting and distracts many, many, people from the game play.

If you don’t voice your discontent nothing will change.