I assume you are just an ignorant kid. Google date/time format worldwide kiddo
My pokemons from england are also on day/month format
Because it depends on where you are not where your pokemon were caught
not really true, it just depends on your standard settings on your phone.
walked a squitle for 300km
I walked a poliwag for 200k
Hes not.
At times he sounds like one tbh
He just clarifys it.Now on topic BTW
Anyway whoever suspended him, if its because of him calling me a cheater then I couldnt care less, I believe in freedom of speech.
And here I am with no blissey and only one hatched chansey.
Well done, I need to step up my game
Had more, boosted another one. Nowadays, even my rare candy goes to Blissey and Tyra. Lately ive caught about 10 chanseys and 6-7 Lapras. Also the hitmons spawn a lot
Yeah, this current Kanto event is abit different than before, the spawn rate for Chansey and Lapras do increase significantly, so are those Hitmons. But not for Magmar and Electabuzz, maybe because they are at tier 2 raids.
It’s April because it’s MM/DD/YY