What is the weather like in your area?

Poor sister :rofl:

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Apparently it’s meant to be like this for 2-3 days :disappointed:

She comes flying in from mid Australia. 30-40 °C. So it will be a big change.

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Oh for sure, huge change it’s a bit more greener over here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Around 0-8 C°

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Yeah that’s what they all say.
But I’m a cool guy. Who actually plays pokemon and isn’t cool? :wink:


I wont go outside willingly today


Don’t spoof


I didnt. Luckily it became warmer, 2* C, so i did Some raids.

Woke up & it’s overcast. Another day of rain it looks like.

Rain the last 3 days

Cold and getting colder.

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I live near the Front Ranges of the Rocky Mountains, so most of the time we get sunny or partly cloudy weather, but come wintertime it’s usually cloudy or snowy.

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Argh. I dont like this

:snowflake: :snowman_with_snow:

Cold. 7 degrees on my way to work.

Snowing, windy and freezing. But Pokemon go just tells it’s cloudy…

Working outside now. It is really nasty. Sharp snow and the wind…

Here in michigan it is gonna be nice and balmy…like high 30s, and then next three days are gonna be sub 10, to freeze all of the rain we are gonna get tonight

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Blowing and below freezing. Snow in the forcast for tonight. Unpleasant weather to say the least


Just snowed here. Been a mild winter otherwise.

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