What features should come to Pokémon GO?

The guy in this video has some interesting ideas, but you should also read the comments cause there are some brilliant ideas there.

  1. Ability to change default ball when an encounter starts.
  2. The friend system needs an overhaul/ way to make meeting local trainers easier. Maybe an option to locally broadcast code or to send friend request to people in gyms.
  3. A way to view all of your candy amounts and types independant of pokemon. (for example If I transfer all of my squirtles, I should be able to see how much squirtle candy I have somehow)

The ability to filter nearby by type or species.

Want to find dragon pokemon? Type dragon.
Want to find magikarp? Type magikarp.


Better combat system?

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Perhaps a feature that lets the game alarm you whenever a certain species of Pokemon is nearby or in a raid near you

It’s about time Trading more than 1 Legendary/Special per day was introduced. Cap it at 3 or 5 maybe.
I’m sure many people are hanging on to a lot.

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Since there’s now a lot of species in the game and they’re no longer using ‘nests’ in the same way that they used to, that is most pokemon spawning were of the same species, why not use the nests as gateways to each generation of species? So if I want a kanto pokemon, I would first find a nest that has been allocated the kanto region and hopefully find what I’m after.


Pokemon GO should have all the good features from other Niantic’s games such as ready button for raids, better coin system (HPWU), Poke stops and Gyms that can be closer to each other, ability to see S2 cells when nominating POIs (Ingress) to name a few.

More ideas from The Trainer Club

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A real pokeball that can be thrown in real life to activate an in-game capture! I just posted a topic about this, but basically there could be a pokeball that can be detected by the AR when it is thrown OR a pokeball with some sort of accelerometer to detect motion and activate an in-game capture.


Haha, it’s not a bad idea, but maybe too “real”?


Maybe, but they already have the pokemon go plus and the pokeball plus, so why not make something else lol


Idea for a new item: Silph Scope with a shiny-detector setting.

You could get them in the shop, or assemble it from parts left by Rocket grunts, or something…
…and it would give you the ability - let’s say for a hour - to see shinies on the overworld map.

Think of the time we could save on random clicks when shiny-hunting!

If Niantic decided to sell them as a premium item - like they do with bundles of remote Raid Passes - I reckon they would make a fortune…


Even if they only lasted for an hour, this would be great! (And repurchasable for 200 coins or so)

I would love to have something like that. How many shinies do you imagine being within range of any scanner, though? With the relative scarcity of shinies, I’d expect no more than one shiny closer than 2 or 3 miles at any given time.

Well, I figure it would be an item you have to walk around with to get the best out of it.

Let’s imagine they cost 50 coins and lasted for 30 minutes. You could pop one on (much like a star piece or a lucky egg) and wander around your favourite park - or an urban area with plenty of pokestops and spawn points - and you might just get lucky.

You could certainly cover more ground if you weren’t forced to click on everything just to shiny check. And if you came up empty handed then, oh well never mind, you could use your daily coins to get another one tomorrow.

Regarding scanning distance - I was thinking it would just show what’s on your normal screen… like this…

(Obviously the shiny hoothoot is my buddy… but it’s similar to how a real life shiny would appear).

But what @vorgriff3 said, made my think maybe you could also have a super Silph Scope that might alert you to anything shiny on a larger scale - like the Rocket Radar scanner… like this…

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In-game chat from Wizards unite

That looks like discord?

It was very similar.

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The month or was it 2 months of 2 special Trades a day was good but it’s a long time overdue that this number be increased to 5 at least. Having to trash the multitude of Shiny or Legendary rather than being able to better them is nonsense.