Hopefully, because Niantic aren’t exactly going to bring a live event to a tiny rural town.
I wouldn’t really be a fan of this, I got the opportunity to travel to a different continent and get a new regional, when I returned home I’m one of the only people with it, and it’s very special to me. If everyone got all of their regionals they wouldn’t be special at all. Personally I’m fine with just shadows in my Pokédex because if I can’t travel to those places I can at least find others who have.
Need two more, also
And still no tauros
Haha i wish I could give you one.
They neeeeeed to add wonder trading soon
And international trading.
who would be stupid enough to put a shiny legend? ill put pidgeys
Yes but some people might do giveaways. Maybe if spoofers get permanently banned their pokemon are wonder traded away after a month. That could keep people interested in the system. Also many people will trade Mr. Mime, Tauros etc and people who don’t have them could get them that way.