The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

If the new gen 6 common mons like Fletchling, Bunnelby, Litleo are said to be as “common” as those in previous gens, why are their catch rates are much lower than those in previous gens?

Kind of hard to beat 50 Rocket Leaders when you have a radar turned on and only Meowth balloons show up.


A few lines from Niantic’s description of the end-of-year event’s features:

  • Event-exclusive boxes will be available in the shop during the event! Check out the in-game shop for more details!
  • Event-exclusive AR Mapping task rewards : Complete AR Mapping tasks to earn Abomasnow Mega Energy and encounter Snorunt.

If Niantic hired AR Mapping crews and offered Abomasnow Mega Energy and encounters with Snorunts as compensation for the AR Mapping work, how many do you think would apply for the job?

Do you think I could get a Community Day Special Research pass for mega energy and a Snorunt?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :roll_eyes:

I felt that the catch rate is lower in general recently, cost more balls to catch even low CP Pokémon than before, not to mention the new ice cream costs way too many ultra balls to catch even its CP is not high.


The Ice Cream catch rate is silly tbh.


Got literal garbage out of my 12km egg


Most of the 12 km egg hatches are garbage.

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Most egg hatches are garbage more like it.
Aside from the couple of rubbishmon in 12k they give the new ones plus the Candy you can’t get in the wild.
10k has turned into a complete waste of effort walking as the drop rate of what is desirable is is so uncommon the Spaming of the Tier 1 Raid stuff makes you not want 10k eggs anymore.
7k are useful if you’ve got international friends as trading the hatches is good for the distance medal.

I agreed when you posted this 2 weeks ago, but am even more in agreement now. Especially those stupid bunnies (whose only value is the catch stardust).

New bunny, new bird, new little lion :disappointed:

A day later and still gutted after yesterday’s error.
Spent a ton of Candy and Dust a couple of months ago on a 82% 15atk Shadow Machop evolving and powering up to level 40.
Spent 6 solid hours catching Machops and transferring to get XL Candy trying for enough to take it to level 50 falling well short.
Spent Dust Trading a couple100 Machops from another acct to build up the XL Candy only to be about 30 short.
Spend a ton of XL Candy and Dust powering the L40 Shadow up to L46 before the last 100 trades trying to get more XLs.
Do the trades then go to power up the L46 Shadow some more.
Accidentally hit Purify instead of the Power up button and it’s all turned to crap.

Wish there was a way to lock buttons from use on good Pokémon to prevent inadvertent use ruining hours or play and enjoyment.


Exactly, the worst is when you do a boring cleanage of tons of Pokemon…
Touch the pokemon, options, value, x, transfer, yes

Repeating this, in any moment you do the last two steps without thinking and throwing away something you wanted to let in the collection.

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[this vent was virtually identical to a few others I’ve left before… never mind]

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And still no 100% Meltan :rage:


2 whinges for me today.

  1. Tried numerous times during the course of yesterday trying to TM away Frustration on keeper Shadows without any success. Find out today you could only do that in the 3hr Raid window. Why would they do that in a window where people are trying to cram as many Raids as possible?

  2. Did my latest Meltan Box Saturday night for myself and Mrs Kangaskhan. She gets her first 100% Meltan after just over 700 encounters and I’m now on 2995 for 0 :rage:

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So I was going to do a Landorus Raid with six people in today. When the Raid started, I was legit the only one in it, but the lobby said six total participating. Amazing, bye Raid Pass. Is this why Niantic gives them for free? Only to let you lose them to nothing?

I knew the Frustration-TM was during the 3 houir raid day, and still foget to TM my shiny shadow Beldum, because i was raiding nonstop (34 raids, just 1 crappy shiny…)
I hate it 2 that Niantic does stuff like this in overlap with other important stuff. Why not just give us an hour with NO OTHER events to TM thoses shadows???

When you are in the raid battle, what number is shown right beneath the timer? They all left the lobby at the very last second, that’s why I don’t like to raid with randoms without prior coordination.

Mr Kanga lost 2 Remote passes Sunday night.
Like that. She got an invite that had 5 others in one Lobby and 7 in the other. More than enough fire power to get it done but once the battle begun it was clear she was the only one in the Raid.

What do you mean? The amount of players that participated?

I don’t like raiding with randoms either, but I don’t join groups because they all have (or maybe had, I don’t know) weird rules about taking Gyms which, in my opinion, limit the gameplay even more (at least for me). So I’m like bound to raid with random people if I want to get some Legendaries. Fortunately I have only lost like three Remote Raid Passes. But I do know I should leave with six people in now.