The Have Whinge/Vent Thread

It’s time for another low-level rant about the inequitable distribution of shinies… why must I be deluged with up to a dozen of some full-odds shiners, like aron and makuhita while others never deign to show their jingly-coloured faces?! Huh!? Why!?!

The worst culprits… never had a shiny of any of these:

  1. Murkrow - 3054 encounters
  2. Patrat - 2029
  3. Venonat 1658
  4. Oddish 1479
  5. Teddiursu 1470
  6. Magnemite 1393
  7. Diglett 1303
  8. Pidove 1294
  9. Shuppet 1204
  10. Houndour 1184
  11. Bellsprout 1166
  12. Omanyte 982
  13. Poliwag 966
  14. Voltorb 870
  15. Snorunt 786
  16. Electrike 743
  17. Growlithe 701
  18. Croagunk 566
  19. Dunsparce 500
  20. Sableye 482
    Special mention for boosted-odds Spinda 131 painful encounters, 0 shiny.

Yeah, yeah… footnotes and exceptions as stated in my earlier rant. :triumph:


Comparing ourselves to others brings to light how broad a disparity results from the application of randomness in the game. One that you’ve chased shiny for years to no avail, some other trainer has gotten sick of getting shiny too often. And vice-versa. (One that you’re sick of getting again and again, some other trainer would give his left arm to get just one.) RNG is unfair – in real life AND in PoGo.

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Okay, new story time.

A colleague of mine plays PoGo aswell. he plays during our smoke break and at home when he’s on the toilet. He doesn’t gym, doesn’t raid, just that. He has no coins for storage or space and misses a lot of pokedex stuff because he doesn’t raid. So i help him out with regionals and legendaries where i can.

Yesterday i i had the great idea that with the incoming free remote passes he should spend at least 1 of the last batch so he could actually get them. With dinner hour at hand and him still not having a Heatran this was perfect. We planned i would remote invite him to one of our raids and hit 2 birds with one stone.

On route home the small raiding group we had preferred Mega raids over Heatran and the eggs would help us out with one spawning before 6, and 2 just passed 6. So I invite my colleague for 2 of those raids (since obviously he’ll never get a mega otherwise). The group fall apart after the third Mega raid, when he texted me saying he had a heatran nearby and asked if we could do it, with him remote inviting me and my GF.

So we do that, 3 man Heatran. I get a text he was super happy he caught it, with just one ball. I text him back: 1 ball, shiny? No reply.

I get to work thursday, and meet him up, asking if he got a shiny, since shinies from raids stay put with the first ball. He doesn’t know. He opens the app, and when i see his recent catches i see the 3 stars icon even before i see the pokemon where they’re next to. He got a shiny Heatran, A shiny heatran pokedex entry. I look again and ask; 'those are pretty good IV’s right?" He checks: 98% shiny heatran pokedex entry!

I’m super happy for him. But on the other hand i’ve done a total of 89 heatran raids. I got 1 shiny, 1 shiny that i caught after 30 raids the weekend he became shiny available a half year ago. The past 3 weeks where he returned, i got no shinies. On top of that, my best is a 96% normal one.

I’m pretty pissed atm. Not at my colleague, i’m happy for him i got to help him and he got rewarded big time. I’m pissed at Niantic that for every shiny legendary that comes out i have to go out of my way to do a ton of raids, only to end up with 1 shiny (genesect after 15, Deoxys also after 30, and so on). There is a hidden system that rewards new players over hardcore players, there must be. i’ve seen it happen so often some idiot that never plays getting a shiny pokedex entry that it’s not fun anymore…

/rant over


This is what i call shiny locked versus shiny viable.

I have a theory that there is a hidden system that detemines if your account is viable or not for a shiny.
I’f you are viable you’ll get better then 1 in 450 odds, if not then the chances of getting that shiny are drastically lower. Together the overall avarage comes out in the 1 in 450 chance we all know.

We’ve all seen it, players getting a certain shiny like it’s easy, where others never seem to find that one.
This becomes more appant if you always play in groups. Like i do with my GF. If you both go out to hunt, you both see the same spawns, and one gets 3 shiny buneary during easter event and the other 0 shiny after 1500 checks, there is something else at work. And don’t even get me started on shiny legendaries (see my other post).

I got many many many more examples from our community like that.

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I fully agree there is some thing else at play behind the code that ranks players on the amount they play.
Seen and experienced way too many examples like you’ve mentioned not think otherwise.

I find it funny how people who barely play complain they don’t get Shinies even though they find them like ants, and that when they don’t even go out.

Add to that I’ve seen these people getting Pokédex Register Shiny Yamask, Pokédex Register Shiny Heatran, Shiny Piplup in 3 checks, Shiny Teddiursa in two checks, Shiny Treecko in two checks… And most of them when they were at home, too.

I’m convinced they have higher Shiny rates than I and most of the hardcore players. Also, they seem to think Shinies are very common, because why else would they find them at home without even leaving their house once. If they don’t get a Shiny for a day without leaving the house, complaints. I have once gotten a Shiny Seel in six checks only and a Shiny Sunkern in fifteen minutes since it was released, but that’s it. A whole bunch take way over the 450 encounters to finally shine.

On the other hand the amount of Shinies spoofers are getting is also pretty suspicious. I saw a spoofer getting 25 (maybe a little bit less, but still over 20) Shinies during the GO Fest makeup event. Even for spoofers, that is an insane amount.

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Gotta say I’m a sceptic on the ‘shiny-locked’ theory. I still reckon it’s just the vagaries of a randomised system.
There was a fellow on the silph subreddit that made a random poke encounter system thingy you could mess about with, and some of the shinyless streaks I came up with were very similar to the figures I see in my real game.

What I do agree with is that some accounts get more favourable shiny odds than others. My own anecdotal evidence concerns my cat’s account.

He originally made the account solely to help me and the missus beat legendary raids - three heads being better than two in most instances.

But… what keeps him playing more often is the sheer quantity of shiny encounters he gets. I’d estimate he gets three or four shinies to every one of mine. For instance, of my top 20 overdue shinies (see list a few above this post) he has already encountered 13 - some multiple times. This despite him playing only occasionally in the gaps in his eat-shit-snooze-and-eat-again cycle. To top it all he also has a shiny spinda (from just 5 completed research) and the untradeable Genesect and Deoxys shinies that neither me or the missus ever caught. Hunnnppphhh!

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Forgot to mention a spoofer got three Shiny Houndour during Spotlight Hour. Not even doing multiple Spotlight Hours. Just one. I’m pretty sure he couldn’t have checked more than 600 Houndour.

Also just realized the only ever Shiny Deino hatch I have seen, was hatched by a spoofer.

To extend on my bad luck with legendary shinies from raid i’ll add something i overheared this saturday:

One of the players in my community appears to be very lucky. She plays F2P (free to play). So she spends no money on the game other then gasoline for her car and the occasional € 1,- box for community days. All her coins come from daily gymming.

We did a mega raid saturday where she complained she still had 140 paid raid passes and 4500 coins and nothing to spend them on (coins ánd passes).

Now i totally agree with raids atm being boring. There is absolute sh!t in T1 and T3, and T5 and mega raids are not something to spend a ton of paid passes for each day (maybe 1, max 2 on dinnerhour or so).
But thinking about every legendary raid over the last months i had to ask her: 140 passes remaining, do you have all the shinies legendaries lately, like Genesect and Deoxys, which are not tradable?

her reply: yeah i got those all, only playing 1 free pass per day. She got both of those shinies in 4 raids total and this is pretty normal for her for each legendary shiny that comes out.

And in the meantime i sit here, with a gold badge for 1000+ legendary raids (atm just under 2000 done) and an average of 30 raids needed to get 1 shiny and monthly spending RL money to uphold that crappy streak…


Yep. There has to be something in the shiny code that is conditioned by the player’s playing record. (Similar to whatever decides when a trade or friendship status goes Lucky, where many people have noticed that the game seems to favor players who have returned to the game after long periods of time away from it. Or friendships that have become active again after long stretches of non-playing time.)

Sometimes it’s fun to imagine what miscellaneous factors could be affecting the RNG results. Sometimes it’s just plain aggravating, though. I even wonder whether a hashing code derived from player’s names might have some stupid side effects on their game success.

Haven’t got a Purified 100% since middle of April.
7 in the first 900 Shadows and 0 in the next 500.
4 of those 7 are Zubat line :man_facepalming:
Better not talk about how poor the IV has been for the countless amount of Shadow Lapras done too. Can’t even get the poor IV spread that’s serviceable for PvP.

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If each shiny check for T5 bosses didn’t cost about a buck I might not mind getting non-shiny after non-shiny after non-shiny after non-shiny. But that gets tedious (and costly) after 40 or 50 times…

It’s refreshing when you get to the point when you no longer care about having to get the Shiny. It’s also cheaper.

I’ll let ya know when I get there… (I’m not obsessed with getting all shinies; but I still care about some shinies a little too much.)

The list of shinies I have never encountered is still way longer than my list of shinies encountered after 4 years of play. I’ve gotta be due for shiny caterpie or shellder one of these days! (What? You mean there is no such thing as being due when it comes to random numbers? But these are only psudo-random numbers, so does that rule really apply?)

This current Mega event has some evolution spawns, like Furret, Hariyama, Arbok, and etc along with other rare spawns, like Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Lapras, Snorlax, and etc. One of the common things they have is their low catch rate, need more Pokeballs to catch, although it gives more stardust when catching the evolution spawns.


My supply of berries and balls still hasn’t recovered from Community Day yet.

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Having pokestops generate a gift to send to friends whenever we spin them and are in need of gifts to send… that was possibly the best change Niantic made to the game during the pandemic madness.

Why the !!! did they think it made sense to revoke that change?

You will still have a higher chance of getting a Gift when you spin a PokéStop. However, you won’t be guaranteed to get a Gift.

(And when, in that situation, we spin and are denied a gift that we need, we are no longer guaranteed not to shout for Niantic to go F themselves.)


Meh. I’ll just be sending less gifts to Lucky Friends I guess.

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Considering how huge your list of lucky friends is, that should put quite a dent into your gift consumption rate.

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the whole community is unhappy about the changes to incense, which make them useless again, and you whine about gifts?? You even called it the best pandemic change Niantic made??

You really need to prioritize some stuff 'cause that is total BS.