Maybe Pokémon switch not sure
Yes, he got from Switch
Damnit I don’t have switch
I might get one for christmas…
with lets go hopefully
How many candy?
Those screen shots make me
Those with a Switch can get so many while those that don’t get fn 1
I got switch but haven’t reach fuchsia cause need transfer Pokémon over to get it
I transferred a Shiny charmander to Lets go. It is really cool to ride a big Black charizard
I don’t have a switch or meltan…
My mom will soon… she is on step 7
I’m on step 4 but I’m walking Eevee for celebi
I have Celebi…
Just got It like, 2 weeks ago
I’m only on step 4… (Haven’t been playing too much)
I got 72 candies on my first Meltan run. I qualify for my second today.
How the hack so fast
It’s double candy atm @coolguy761 . 12 candy with a Pinap and 2 for sending back to the Professor each one you catch is worth 14 candy.
2 Boxes from my friend plus a few bonus Candy from feeding in Gyms plus walking one as my Buddy and I’m almost there myself and I’m weeks behind those that got the game on the switch when it was released.
I got 19 fromthe fist box and 17 from the one today. Another 2 like last time and I would have had the 400 Candy but I don’t think I’d evolve that 87% 15attack anyway. No rush, I’ll hold out and hope for a better one as 400 Candy is a massive investment.