Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Player from Austria and Croatia wants to trade gifts! Please add me - im adding everyone back!

7506 5579 5009

Hi There - please add me.

Active player - will gift back regularly.

5910 5817 9279

Anyone is wanting to add me? I changed my code so too late

Here is my trainer code. Please add me :slight_smile:

8290 5857 7524

Please Add me as your friend!!! Let’s share the gifts :slight_smile:

2688 1082 3524 from JAPAN

please add me pokemon go friends

I play daily in Dublin Ireland, add 3993 0955 1752

Budapest, Hungary

9031 5691 2775

Add me I play in Denver my code is 196321876573

please add me pokemon go friends in Tokyo


Austin, Tx

Help me to get on with my journey. Portugal


Please add and send gifts and she will do the same as this is my wife’s profile


I´m from Portugal

Thank you guys for all your request but ive reached the limit 200 so dont need anymore thanks for the gifts aswell you guys are awesome​:sparkling_heart::revolving_hearts::innocent::raised_hands:t2:

Hey CiboVital. I added you as a friend and already sent two gifts without receiving anything in return. Please show the same courtesy that I have shown you and return the favor. Looking to keep friends that also send gifts. Willing to send daily if you’re a good friend.

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Please add me guys!! :grinning::+1:

Please add me (Denmark, Europe)

8739 7815 1132


Added you but still haven’t received a gift from you.

From Italy team instinct, add me! :heart:

6077 6110 8526