Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Add me for gift trades. 8582 8860 5961

Add my friend also, he sends gifts back everytime so hit him up! :slight_smile: 099740558924

… lol

Add me please 0684 3471 0993 I’m in Manchester UK

Add me please I’m in the US 9294-1568-3802

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Slovenia, 0702 5379 4638

Add me and send gift for gifts in return. <3 Active Players, plays at least 3-4 hours total everyday in North Carolina US


Hi! I’m hirAdon.
Please add me. I’m from Japan :slight_smile:

Let’s be friends in Pok¨¦mon GO! My Trainer Code is 3414 0244 4756!

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Hi I’m new to this site but here’s my trainer code! 7389 4568 0314

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cool ill add you im BossLapras33

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I will add you to, I am BossLapras33 from Cali.

Is this your side account?

Southern California to!

It’s my main

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Ok I will friend you.

We are now friends!

This is my trainer code 6954 6489 9784 Add me!

It will not work so I will message you my code just tell me your name in game so I do not decline.