Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

6029 0491 7771

Thats my code everyone please add me!!

would be pointless

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My trainer code: 539177942552


6512 5956 1105

Please add me. Would try to send gifts everyday. :wink: Send gift first, and I will send back!


8016 7466 0066

2685 5493 5919
ADD my sons Account . Danish Player. Kind to animals.

Here is my friend code : 7047 3166 4247 from Newyork

7282 8818 8772

Hey, here’s my friend code: 7176 5765 2510

I’m in California.

Daily gift trades: 6672 5101 4263

Trainer level 40


0915 4002 2553

Add me!

add me plz my friend code is 1046 6923 5004 i am from Venezuela

Add me Dude 4624 3756 6172

Hi there,

Add me if you want daily gifts!

Let’s be friends in Pokémon GO! My Trainer Code is 9371 6438 8844!

2739 9366 3225

Add me too, I will send gifts.

3372 2407 2878

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My friend code is 1033 2726 9344. Please add me?! Thank you!!!

Hey add me southern California, San Bernardino County
My trainer code is = 5037 7781 5625