Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Feel free to add me, active player and will send gifts as often as I can :slight_smile: Hopefully you can as well. From Western Australia - Team Instinct

Hi there! My code is 6889 4893 4505
I’m from Holland (Netherlands) and would like to have new friends from other countries. I play every day and will send everyone gifts if I have enough, Thanks!

Here is my friend code

9101 2918 5294

I just recently rejoined GO

Here is my friend code : 7047 3166 4247 from newyork

Hi! My trainer code is XXXX XXXX XXXX
I’m from Japan and I want new friends from other countries.
I send gift every day as much as possible, thanks!

Thank you for many requests.
I cannot send gift to many friends, so i close my recruiting. thank you.

3954 9071 2015
From the US, would like friends from other countries, preferably.
Thank you.

I’m in Wisconsin too my friend code is 1229 5370 3604

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From Finland, Europe. my code is 289215945508
Add me please :slight_smile: gift for gift

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Add me 7886 9608 5639…from nyc looking to trade gifts and make friends from wherever

If anyone wants to add me! I only have one friend left that still plays so this would help immensely 7610 6476 6158

Due to the amount of reactions and i don not know how to remove or close this post… I removed my trainerscode.

Hi all. I’m new to the forum and ready to trade! 5431 8910 3943

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Here is my friend code: 8163 3196 9676
from Yokohama, Japan

The main reason I’m not giving out my friend code is that with a 20 gift limit per day there’s no point having any more than that.

Sergei from Russia looking for friends, I don’t have them yet, but want to :frowning:
7777 7361 2906
Add me and I’ll send you gifts, when I get them :wink:

5558 8643 4923 Wisconsin

1449 5199 9148 from MN US

1885 9941 9995

Let’s be friends!!

Tomodachi ni narou yo

6700 3059 7241