Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Add me on pokemon go active player 9231 4748 1275

Add me guys mines

NarapJ: 0928 4590 6444

3436 9636 3427

I’ve sent you an invite.

Hi! my friend code is 3436 7740 8807 add me!
Level 34 from Argentina.

Hey everyone.
Here’s my trainer code.

8815 1977 6131

Add me and I look forward to meeting you out there.

Hi! I send you a required from Czech Republic.

My account and the accounts of my wife and kids:

5694 7297 3218
0372 0514 4805
8195 6853 9760
5596 1010 3410
9715 1253 3058
5808 1372 4118

We’re from Belgium

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got loads of spare gifts, add me up.

My code is 323820487436, get adding and I’ll send gifts to those who are active and send to me also

Germany, Hessen, Lvl 38, Team Red

4111 5218 5862

5412 3489 6618
Add me up. Greetings from Malaysia

Hey, send you a request from belgium

Hey guys I’m playing from Belgium. My trainer code is 5761 5666 3949

7827 4224 3251 Add me, will send everday gifts too!

Hey guys, just add me in Pokemon Go! Greetings from germany!

Trainer code: 2834 1032 2733

Add Me From Australia Will Give Gifts When Possible My Code is 5047 9508 3022 I Will Want Gifts Back PLZ

3738 1997 9738 add me :slight_smile:

5126 2250 5352 Poland ,Mazowieckie

Italy :it: