Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Add me to swap gifts !!! 7914 4563 3897

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Add my wife too her code is 3128 6940 9731 shes got gifts to give out! :+1:

Hey add me. 2513 0591 0355

Hey guys add me ao we can trade gifts 2513 0591 0355

Add me add me

Add me!

I’m from the USA: Atlanta

Code: 6922 5199 5669

I’ll gift every day!

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This is my code, please add me and i’ll add you back.

Lvl 29 My Trainer Code is 8820 9047 3885

Hey! Add me: 8052 9906 9234

Team Instinct
New York

RoiS1 :
6530 4446 9663

Add me 7219 2995 3698

Hi, my trainer code is 5744 6058 6859
I am from the US. Level 24

Lvl 37

0685 9179 6587 from Australia

My Trainer Code is 8847 2265 7090

add me 4130 2565 2887.

JAPAN level 38
I want friends from all over the world!
Please add me.
1271 1493 6502

6981 4853 5336

Daily active since Aug 2016

0464 2389 2185

Australia 6682 8311 4050