Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

4978 7729 1704 Hey guys my name is Curt, user 1Curt1 and this is my trainer code, add ya boy!!! :fist:t4::fist:t4:

I sent u a request. My code is 8623 9234 5911

I sent u a request. Can u add me? 8623 9234 5911

Hi everyone! Here is my trainer code: 1587 1135 1425.
I’m from Russia, so if you’re from Americas, we could exchange presents with 8000km+ eggs :wink:

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Add me, my trainer code is 8623 9234 5911. In Maryland-Aneetrababi

Hi from Italy, level 34, feel free to add me: 3109 8687 9319 :slight_smile:

Who did you send a request to Anitrapb

Can I add you as my friend I live in Denmark :denmark:

Add me too!! 0420 7963 2064 I’ll send you guys gifts lol

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I’m heading off to bed feel free to add me but I will get more gifts tomorrow as I am intending going out for a big long walk tomorrow if it’s it nice and warm as I am not staying in there is quite alot of Pokémon I need to get so i will be going around alot of pokestops to get gifts hopefully to sends friends that have added me thanks again for the adds and good night

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Send you a friend requst i live in Denmark.
PG name:voldbeat.

Thank u. Same here

8370 9386 7676

Let’s be friends in Pokémon GO! My Trainer Code is 9775 6274 7253!

I will send a gift tomorrow I’m going to get some sleep

2631 7726 9227 this is my friend code i will send gifts when ever i can. im in the blue team (kinda forgot the name) and im level 14

Trainer cpde: 2695 1989 6074. Add me!