Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

6981 4853 5336

2086 5860 8204 Ohio USA

Would love more non-US friends!

Add me and I’ll send gifts!

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Lv37 will send the cool gifts

9067 8303 0953

Add me: 5798 8627 0124. From Finland!

These are my codes looking forward to becoming friends :smile:

5818 3655 6204
5535 9447 1675
Will send gifts daily
Thank you :smile:

Hey guys add me please 2642 0074 9027

9770 0894 4018 my trainer code

2125 1244 8623
Greetings from Russia)

Add me 1608 4193 5098 Pacific Northwest thanks

My trainer code: 2191 8560 1914. Please add for gift exchange.

Kaphaomamtom 4300 2850 2466

Add meScreenshot_20180623-192756_Pok%C3%A9mon%20GO

Active daily player add me. 0514 3452 3046.

Hello from Norway! Please add me
5428 3717 6501
Send gifts, get gifts.

Darran from Ireland here (soon to be Brighton), add me please :slight_smile: 0923 6034 0391