Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Hi, everyone.

I’m looking for invitations for Mesprit and Azelf raids.
I can invite you to Uxie raids!

My friends code is: 0815 4068 7231
Thanks in advance!

Hey, im from chile and looking to do some Uxie and Mesprit, can invite to Acelf raids
Trainer name: Piripepeno
My friend code is: 4183 9005 6877


Hey guys,

I’m looking for people to send me an invite for any Azelf or Uxie raid i can join almost any time so just toss me an invite.

Trainer code is: 0875 9030 8592

i can invite you to a Mesprit raid

Greetings Darthreaver

2240 03861283 looking for friends to add

1 Like

Mesprit Azelf Please!!
from JAPAN, invite Uxie

8232 6653 7658
4656 7302 5952

couple player play everyday

TO Piripepeno

Thanks invite.
There is no raid in japan. (GMT+9)
I’ll invite tomorrow!

I live in Japan.Please invite me to Mesprit and Azelf raids.
I can invite Uxie!
My code is 0519-5781-9176! Thank you!

From Brazil.
Add me and I invite you to Exclusive Raids 5 from here.
Please Invite me to Level 5 Raids too.
3309 0370 6403

Line: eduyoshida

I can invite you to Azelf
add me
3309 0370 6403

Line: eduyoshida

I can invite you to Azelf…

Please, invite me to Mesprit…

Add me as your friend and I Invite you to the Azelf Raid
And please Invite me for Level 5 raids form Europe and Asia too.

Thanks nagi

From Japan.
Please add me and invite me to raid Azelf and Mesprit.
Frequent invitations would be preferable when I am online.
I can invite you to Uxie.

Trainer Name: NinjaRefugee
Trainer Code: 6683 9276 9318
Twitter: @ninjarefugee

I could use some Uxie invites.

Its Thanksgiving here in the states today, so I’m not sure if I can send any azelf invites today. I’ll be sure to invite you if I spot any!

I’m looking to raid for Mesprit and Uxie, and I can invite you to Azelf raids.

Trainer code is: 3699 2906 5875

I have my notifications on, so if you send me an invite I will most likely see it

Thanks for message. I haven’t noticed.
I can invite you about 40m later.
Is it OK?

Thank you everybody that helps me to catch Mesprit and Uxie. !!

I will still trying to help people from “Mesprit an Uxie”’ region to capture Azelf.


twitter: @eduyoshida
LINE: eduyoshida

Thank you very much.


And thank you Phoe2016 !

Looking for friends for mesprit and uxie friend code is 9887 2378 7604

Hello, I’d love an invite to an Azelf raid please, my trainer code is 8770 4090 1331. I send gifts daily to maximum level allowed. Thanks.