Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

4567 7211 1825 Level 30 player looking for new friends. Happy to send gifts and trade just add me!

3320 4556 5869 add me level 39

TC: 9586 8728 6554

9551 9995 1065
4567 7211 1825
daily players looking for new friends to trade gifts!

449609883438 from Germany

My trainer code is 2510-7769-1292. I am from Chicago area. Please add…Trainer name is Weeniesmurf. That is a long story.

1110 1746 0035. Looking for new friends

9033 3410 1633
Please add me!

Anyone can add me :slight_smile:

4515 4422 2031 I’m from Meereen :rofl: (Croatia, Europe)

0858 8775 3451

1504 5507 3558 :sparkles: US Virgin Islands, Caribbean

0713 6182 1329 :sparkles: US Virgin Islands, Caribbean

9931 4449 1990 :sparkles: US Virgin Islands, Caribbean

Daily player will send gifts

4837 8313 2882

1 Like

Please add me. Trainer Code: 1391 4312 6177

hello from italy
pls add me and my friends, we are very active.
11Pippollo: 7812 6038 7518
DolcettoMask: 0311 0198 5145
SuviSuvetta: 8797 3396 6386
00GinaPatatina 6421 1889 5694
Ginopuzzetta 8529 8983 4231
GinoMerendino 0311 4981 2546

Added you, please feel free to add me everyone. I’ll gift every day and trade :smiley:

7804 2860 1814

Hello All! We need to level up quickly during the event. Add us and send us many gift or receive it from Paris - France
GillesEtJones 7120 5637 3391
BridgetJaunes 7228 8434 5982
IndianaJaunes 8760 3010 0694

5048 6169 4816
feel free to add! I send gifts everyday.


I have good mimes to trade :slight_smile: i need Farfetch’d ; Kangaskhan; Articuno; Zapdos and maybe Mewtwo (it doesnt matter their CP). i just want the full first gen list. :slight_smile:
i’m from Europe, Romania.

i am level 28
5801 1437 4550

And my girlfriends code. She is level 26
7400 1074 2514