Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Hi. Please add me, I will send gifts to you everytime I can! :wink:

9476 9218 8413

Hi, I’m looking for friends to sent gifts on a daily basis.

Please add me: 1014 8582 7643

1602 0450 8936

Hej. Hi. I’m from Poland. I play every day. my code 633457221293

Hello everyone!

I already post my code, but my little brother asked me to post his.
We are from brazil and looking for gifts exchange, long distance eggs, battles and lvling.
So his code is

5851 5513 6420

Thanks guys!

3659 6072 1223


3392 7640 5582

Pls add me :wink:

Please add me as a friend!
3355 1347 4633
I’m a regular and will reciprocate so can level up friendship!
Best wishes!!

Add me for the daily gifts!

I’m temporarily maxed out on being able to open just 20 gifts everyday. After 90 days, I will post again.
Sometimes, my family and I cannot open your gifts on a daily basis because of the above limit.
Also, if you only add a few out of the 5 accounts, we will still send the LAST gifts.

Please free up your friend list to less than 200 friends, which I believe it’s the max. If it’s at max, we cannot add you.

------ Original post below with codes removed -------
Hi, my family members and I play actively in Southern California. Our trainer codes are

We may not send a lot of gifts, but we will guarantee to send you the LAST gifts to become great, ultra, and best friends when it’s one day left ALL together, so that you can use a LUCKY egg and open all FIVE gifts and get double bonus XP with just one SINGLE lucky egg.

If the five accounts are not in SYNC, we will sync it up until ALL five accounts reach the last day together. Some careless opening mistakes are possible, but the error rate is extremely small. Only 1 gift accidentally opened in all five accounts to let our friends losing the potential double of XP since the friendship system has started.

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1010 7997 9548

I could use some more friends. My code is 1833 6791 9884. From the Netherlands :hugs:

Hey Kunjal i am also from India, my trainer code is 2758 9666 3263!

Happy to send gifts!! Add me!!

5953 7952 5844

I send gifts everyday 4487 1384 4672

From USA

2856 9839 4507

I play everyday in usa an could use some new buddies, my trainer code is 7917 3651 3201 an i gift everyday


Happy to send gifts to all!!! Add me!!

5430 7051 1473

Europe 4690 5957 2611