Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Hi there!

New to this forum. I passed level 40 and play almost every day.
My trainer code is: 611934085614
Love to share.

3226 3810 8609 In Florida!

I have many gifts and others to trade.
Will give away first to the first 30 who be friend with me.
My trainer code is: 611934085614

hi there
I would appreciate if someone adds me to send gifts and for trading.


My trainer code is 5241 9116 9343

This forum is so efficient and active.
I have received more many friend requests, but all seem to be of one gender.
Can I have other gender, preferably from other different continents. I am from SG.
My trainer code is: 6119 3408 5614

Anyone feel free to add me 3575 4519 5096


My Code: 7079 0019 5474

4458 7807 2222

ADD me: 8073 5924 1907n

Hi my id
8635 0444 1658

Hey guys add me if you want :slight_smile:
ID : 3370 2268 8755

7939 1571 7021 add please

4064 2746 4806

I’m from Croatia.My code is:1545 8209 2030.Add me if you want,I’ll also send gifts often.

Hi feel free to add me and my friend

3525 2488 7352

4433 2491 4240

We play everyday and will gift all who gift us :slight_smile:

9609 4594 1753 belgium send gift, get gift

Capeleopard: 9122 2486 9483

Greetings and Gifts from Germany :slight_smile:

Trainer code 471372479834

Hi Irina, I want it! I will add you - SaaBThEDragoN :slight_smile: