Add me as friend.
Pls add 0517 7126 7431
Heya, guy from sweden here, please add me for gifting and stuff. My code is: 4700 9660 0726
Hi all, from Michigan
Please add me! Will send gifts daily
1309 6392 2391
Add me and I will send gifts!
TC #0988 4785 7869
Add me as a friend. I would prefer level 30+ but will accept anyone to send gifts.
Trainer Code: 1025 0696 1661
My friends code it 202859392131
Add me 6158 4145 9195
Germany Berlin - Europe… Regional pokemon= Pantimos
level 25 team blue
Need some friends for gifts from other countries
Trainercode: xxxxxxxxx
Trainer level 32. Based in England. Looking for friends from outside Europe to try to get those regional critters. Thanks.
1684 9154 8853 - Hey there, add me
1935 3165 2741 - My friend
9700 2049 5962 - we exchange gifts to get the 3000 exp
Hello from Greece
My code
3868 5345 0922