Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Hi, from SF !
Me and my brother :

5455 8280 5880
3473 5571 6909

I’m from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

4470 0493 5080

Hey man, Im Roy (Singapore). Will add you.

Since yesterday I have received 138 friends. There’s a limit on how many gifts you can open a day. So I will send gifts to anyone who sends me one every day until I can’t send anymore. I’ll start again the next day with the people who didn’t get their gifts open the day before. basically I won’t open a gift until I have one to give you. I gave out over 30 gifts yesterday. I think I can do about 20 a day. Thanks for all the friends request. Happy Hunting.

Code 3499 3648 2943 Mycoxaphlopin69

please add: 2335 00918755
5299 5221 4752

2866 5808 6660
Will send as many gifts as possible! Looking for friends for a long time:)

0713 6182 1329 :sparkles:

Hey there! I need a few new friends for the quest, feel free to add me. I’m from the Netherlands.

6204 1612 4118

my code is: 3221 0136 6522


add me my gamer code is : 3221 0136 6522

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I send daily gifts if you send them. I always return gifts.
4167 7604 1147 have a fun days guys

Hey from London. 8888 0576 5067

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Add me pls
Trainer Code:0926 9407 6329

Clauio9714 - thank you for accepting both codes and helping!

ilFNaTiKboi, Sintharra and GrandmasterGin thank you for your help

Add me please, I’ll send gifts:

CandidoNeto 5798 1488 1816

7308 2871 4285

I just sent you a request let me know when you accept