Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Hey!! looking for friends and gifts :blush: feel free to send an invite my way!
I’m from the US! :full_moon_with_face:
Trainer Code: 5365 9065 6247

5639 5579 3139 need more friends
Kansas City, Missouri

Add me 1089 9085 0332 !!

1347 7635 6151

feel free to add me

I am looking for a few friends to exchange gifts with. My trainer is is:
0361 6317 5215

Thank-you in Advance.

Add me
9720 1423 9630

Trainer code - 4308 0530 3883
Super active player who always has 10 gifts ready to send.
One active friend.
Add up and let’s send gifts back and forth for easy XP

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Add me plz I want more friends in pokemon go my trainer code is: 5807 5401 8448 :slight_smile:

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4120 8568 2710 please add my wife’s code :grin: thank you

3433 5138 0475 add meeee!

6390 2438 8944

Lvl 34 add me pls 2086 9151 5874

3589 3109 5426 add me

Many thanks guys for the Friend sent or accepted.
I cannot unfortunately send gift for everyone everyday once it’s limited ma 20 per account per day.
I sent all I can in order to get more EXP and also items.

Let’s have a fun and memories for life.

5418 6866 4811

Please add me as a friend :
0250 6298 6209

Feel free to add me (ixinixi78 - The Netherlands Amsterdam)