I have sent you a friend invitation
I live in Maine
My trainer code is 5560 8048 3038
I play all the time. Thanks
Add my daughter please 1046 9390 9713 Alberta Canada
We have to be close to trade
Roswell, NM. USA trainer code. 6154 3176 4318 hicksmom
573387905901 4xLvL40 Trainer from Germany very active every day
Hi. Norwegian team mystic want friends from Asia, Australia, Canada, North or South America or Africa.
Gift for gift. Im from North Norway.
6851 3331 8715 From Germany (Valor) Name: KProduktions
Brasil - 5774 1296 1794
Code 0510 5963 2279
My brother and I are looking for active friends to send gifts, feel free to add us.
4146 3346 6504
0336 8914 2705
Trainer Code: 4530 6296 2900
I sent gifts everyday!
Add us, we gift everyday!
2316 1242 4972 United States ( Ohio) please add as friend…thank you!!!
Looking to add more people.
8688 3716 0512
Looking to add more people. From Australia
2239 8972 1977
добавляйтесь в друзья)) 7022 8968 2813