Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

My trainer code is: 8234 6022 3293

Happy to accept new requests.

5904 1173 6574

Waiting New friends!

3065 7430 9443

3666 8721 0884

Daily Gifts and raid invitations

I search for new Friends.
Daily Gifts and raid invitations.

My Codes:
3666 8721 0884
3065 7430 9443

7008 1412 9207 - here’s my code add me

Looking to for some friends that can help in the game

8893 7655 9704

Looking for new friend
Send you gift almost everyday so please send me gift, too.
From Japan

7314 1866 6941
2371 5653 9128


6975 1647 1597

9063 7528 8690

Add me for daily gifts and raid invites


Team Red from Los Angeles, USA

username: TENN144

trainer code: 2854 6737 1240

send gifts everyday & occasional raid invites :slight_smile:

Hi all just thought I would say hi, and also would like to put my trainer number if anyone would like to add me. Trainer code 3299 1439 8861

Here’s my # if anyone wants to add me.

6580 4463 2536


I gift at least 4 times a week. I’m in the US.

code: 1102 9909 4494
Hello, add my friend from Brazil :slight_smile:WhatsApp Image 2021-01-12 at 01.10.59

9156 5712 7448 on 24 …

I don’t have any friends that play so …

0138 2633 9241

Add me so we can trade and send gifts to each other!


7763 3690 7405

Code 8148 2510 9356