I got my Inky-dinky candies by catching each one with a silver pinap - then mirror trading with long-distance from the cat - then sending the chaff to the Prof. Total 11 candies from most of them.
Had enough to evolve the hundo - plus a lucky I eventually got from all the trades. One male, one female. All boxes ticked… and a few candies left over for when the shiny gets released.
Looks like this Azelf tried to do its trademark swoop, tripped over the CP marker, and fell on its face. Maybe it hadn’t quite woken up, yet… kind of like the player who encountered it.
Almost as if to compensate for the game’s obstinate refusal to give me a shiny Azelf, this time it was my MAIN that got another hundo. After ‘only’ another dozen Azelf raids today…
This week featured a pair of hundos – one useful, and one just a cute trophy. I’ve evolved the Roselia and put it onto my short list of Pokémon to push to level 50.
I’m still a bit numb at getting a weather-boosted Larvitar hundo… Can hardly wait to evolve it and then add it to my maxing-out list. (And I hope we get another Larvitar community day soon, so I can accumulate some meaningful candy XL for that.)
Nice 100% Larvitar @vorgriff3
Are you getting many wild Larvitar spawns during this current event. I’m picking up 2-3 randoms a day.
Trade them for anything >100km for the XL and walk one. The XL’s accumulate quicker than you realise sometimes.
I’m pretty sure I’ll find a few more perfect Roggenrolas before I find a shiny now. If he disappears before I find one, I’m going to lose my mind. Please tell me that’s not happening for weeks at least.
Also realised I have exactly 666 Roggenrola candies.