Had another good day. I’ve been hunting for these two for a LONG time
Both were wild catches.
Both Snubbull and Sunkern aren’t available from Research at the moment.
Was that shiny Eevee a defeated raid boss or something? What’s with the all-white ball (of which the display says you have only 2 left)? But the raid-boss capture doesn’t offer other kinds of balls (never has the change-ball button in the lower-right of your screen shot. . . .)
That screen shot seems surreal to me.
So what’s the deal with the all-white Pokeball? I only ever see those in the raid-boss capture situation.
It’s the bottom of a regular PokéBall.
Ahhh, thanks. I didn’t notice the little button was pointed up. It just looks weird…
Guess I was still on april research…thats the only plausible explanation I had for a high 90s shiny
Yes. It was random wild caught eevee
Well… Just as the narrow window of opportunity slammed sullenly shut on my chances of a pink Aipom or lilac Snubbull, the fickle finger of fate predictably poked me in BOTH EYES with a double-whammy of unwanted, unloved and unappreciated gangrenous Cubones!!
I don’t have a Shiny Cubone yet so I’d be happy to get one.
I feel for you bobbyjack! Most of us know through bitter experience that shinies come in clusters.
I’ve had 4 makuhitas, 4 psyducks, 4 luvdiscs, 4 cubones, 6 wingulls, 10 pinsirs and of course multiples of all the community day critters. Yet I’ve not so much had a sniff of caterpie, pidgey, sandshrew, diglett, growlithe, machop, geodude, magnemite, grimer, drowzee, scyther, omamyte, etc. etc the list goes on and on…
@Jormdeworm, thank you, I was surprised when I encountered it, why is the blue abit different? Then the sparkle came.
I’m still trying to get the shiny monkey, more than 1700 candies
Finally landed a shiny Aipom tonight.