Finally completed this Kanto line!
When we’re in a raid and network lag interferes, the game will keep attacking on our behalf. Seems like a decent way of not punishing players with flakey network connections. I doubt it was ever intended to fight the whole raid on our behalf if we enter but get distracted during the lobby countdown, though.
I’m embarrassed to admit that I never tapped an attack in this solo raid; but I’ll accept the free trophy.
First ever shiny Elgyem! And alt’s second shiny Yanma (main has none, yet).
Nice to have a little streak going, after some long, dull, non-shiny weeks…
Ay caramba! My little streak has grown. I don’t think the global GO Fest will turn out better than this week. Favorite shiny has to be Cranidos / Rampardos; but one that I really don’t care for is Alomaloha. My alt got its second of both:
Little sister finally caught that shiny rock she chased for so long. Of course she wanted the rock on her finger; but she’ll have to settle for this…
First, sorry for my bad English, I’m Brazilian. Second, it’s not my most recent Shiny, as it was a Tsareena, but it’s the one I like the most, as it was the first shiny I had in Landorus Therian raids, and it was also the first with decent IV. I was really surprised and it was my first Shundo.
Legendary Shundo - Congrats!
Thanks, bro
Weeell, a catch may need less than a minute… the first started in 12:20, but ended in 21. And the other finished before 22 had come.
Little sister caught the prized shiny Absol…
and then watched Alt haul in a huge shiny Starly, shiny Drifloon, Pidgey, Onix, and Zubat.
etc…As always I didn’t get any Shiny regionals during my week off to Morocco (although thankfully there was no event going on this time around), but I did get these:
Honestly no surprise. They had monkeys, ants and eggs everywhere.
Morocco Green theme!
I was looking for it, and thought they had an error in their publishing. But better this way, now I have new energy to search it.