Still 0,0 santa pichu
Got a Riolu from my 10km egg
Nice hatch from 5km egg. What is its IV?
Not bad but not really good either
Will you save it for its future CD?
Hatched a 96% Totodile today. Saving that one for CD.
Still no Mantyke or Chingling for me.
I did hatch two Croagunk and one Skorupi yesterday though.
I’ve hatch over 200 Eggs in the last 2 weeks and around 270-80 for the 3 weeks.
Not 1 hatch has been a keeper to the collection. So glad I’m not purposely buying the Incubators to Hatch Pokemon. I’m just using the ones that are being throwing in with the Gift Passes which is what I’m buying the Boxes for.
welcome to the 96riolu squad, you’ll see the power of LUCARIO!
I don’t even have a riolu…
Do you recommend to buy second move on Riolu?
What is the chance of getting a Riolu from a 10k egg?
I haven’t found stats on that on reddit. But it is small, and I’m just very lucky.