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Update Dec 8
Finally finished Trading over 1100 Grubbin from community day which resulted in zero 100%. Not guilty 1 little bit getting all the above via the Map. While not technically not the full family yet it’s only time to sit on a magnetic that’s in the way atm.
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This came from catching a bunch of meditites to get a good one for PvP and enough XL to get it all the way powered up for GL.
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I’m putting this one in as it’s a silly region locked Pokemon and this is the only one I can collect outside of special limited time events.
Another added 20/06
Recent CD got this one completed.
Update Mon 1/09
Not fully complete. Tyrouge is going to be a challenge. Not in the egg pool atm as far as I know?
@NotanotherKangaskhan I saw a Tyrogue in a 2km egg today, that I got from spinning a pokestop if I’m not mistaken (it was either that or a gym).
There is hope then.
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