Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu & Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee Discussion

What do you think of these new games? What influence do you think they will have on Pokemon Go? Do you think we will get new Pokemon (Generation 8?) in these games? Will you be choosing Let’s Go, Pikachu or Let’s Go, Eevee, if you get the games? Do you expect there to be a disadvantage for those not getting the games? Do you think trading will finally release with these games? (it kind of makes sense…)

Since that’s a lot of questions, I’ll leave it at that for now.

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What do you think of these new games?
I am genuinely very excited for these new games. I don’t have a switch yet, so will need to look in to getting one of those for the game’s release in November.
What influence do you think they will have on Pokemon Go?
Hopefully it will bring people back. I somewhat feel that you may need Pokemon Go to enjoy all aspects of the game. I also feel that there is a good chance we will get Generation 4 on the release. However, the game’s news specifically stated that only Kanto Pokemon would be tradable across.
Do you think we will get new Pokemon (Generation 8?) in these games? Probably not, but hopefully so.
Will you be choosing Let’s Go, Pikachu or Let’s Go, Eevee, if you get the games?
Probably Let’s Go, Eevee.
Do you expect there to be a disadvantage for those not getting the games?
I hope there is no major disadvantage to not getting the games. If there was, it could easily be wrongly interpreted as a cash grab and the public’s opinion of Pokemon Go could be damaged.
Do you think trading will finally release with these games? I think it will

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From what I can see in the trailer, it looks great. To be honest, the integration with PoGo isn’t that big a deal for me. I said from the start when the Switch was released that they needed to do a remake of the classic Pokemon games, and now it’s finally happening!


It doesn’t look like a real “Pokémon game”, per se, but more of a blended main-series-Pokémon: GO-hybrid. I mean, it looks like in the game you just see Pokémon walking around and you throw balls at them like in GO. I still think that Nintendo is planning to release a full-fledged, gen 8 main game sometime later next year. This is sort of like an “appetizer” for a real Pokémon Switch game designed for the more casual Pokémon players. The Co-Op aspect of the game does seem cool, though. It’ll be interesting to see if this breaks PO:GO with unfair advantages for those who bought the Switch.


From what I can see though the map layout is the same as Pokemon Yellow (or at least gen 1 games). It makes things easier that you can see the Pokemon before you try catch them in this game as opposed to wandering and bumping into them by chance. It feels like 80% Pokemon Yellow, 20% Pokemon Go.


My son’s birthday is a week after Christmas. I see him getting the Pikachu one for Christmas and the Eevee one for his birthday.


Its not a hybrid, the only thing like GO is catching Pokemon, the rest is 100% main game


It doesn’t really look that way to me. And why Kanto? Sinnoh and Unova don’t even have remakes yet! Kanto already got its GBA remakes(And Soul silver remade Kanto as well)


Starting with Kanto automatically draws a wider audience.

For example: My girlfriends younger brother was 12 when PoGo got released and he had never played a main series game so he only knew some of the gen 1 Pokemon as they are quite universally known. Having a Kanto game with Pikachu on the front appeals to a larger “Nintendo Switch” audience who may not play all the new Pokemon games.


20 years since Yellow was released
And how does it not look that way? It even has the same battle system


Kanto definitely appeals to a wider audience. If you picked another region other than Alola, you’d be limiting your audience.


I haven’t ever played a mainstream pokemon game, but I like the idea of a main series, pokemon go combination


They still are planning a core Pokémon RPG for the switch. Let’s Go isn’t a main core game, as far as my knowledge goes. And as much as I would like a Sinnoh remake, it does make sense to restart in Kanto, for most people Kanto was their first experience in Pokémon (and with revamped catching system and overworld mechanics) so we can relive our first experience in a new way.


Main core game: You journey through a region as a kid, catching Pokemon along the way with the level system, 5-6 stats and a turn-based combat with 4 moves
Which part makes it look like it isnt a core game?


I missed read the article on serebi, it said more core series games planned. And I idk why I thought it didn’t look like a core game.


Gen 8 will be on Switch but this is not it.

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It would seem this game may only have generation 1 pokemon in it

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