0361 2830 7665
6616 1684 5461
Play almost daily, will send and open gifts when possible.
- add only if committed to achieve ULTRA (50k xp) and BEST (100k xp) friend level together
- friendship level increases with just a simple task like opening gifts, trading, raid together
- sending gifts give you 200 xp
- you will be deleted if no activity for 1 week (open/give gift)
- limited slots. i’ve already more than 40 ULTRA friends and working towards BEST level
good luck
trainer code:
I want some gifts m from PAKISTAN 6867 8578 9035 my code
my code is 3351 1829 9207 add me fast in pokemon go
Plz add me
I am from Moradabad up india
My code is 2437 3545 0278
00GinaPatatina 6421 1889 5694
7r1p7 Germany 2437 3545 0278
DerPfadfinder Germany 7606 3125 6472
Hello, I’m pretty new to “pogo” I’m looking some friends. I can send gifts when i get the chance
My friend code is: 8519 4612 2319
just because you asked, ill add you.
9012 2968 5344 from Argentina
sending gifts to everyone would be the best happiness 8926 1217 3673
7024 7316 3772
5434 2478 7887
me and my girlfriend are looking for players who send gifts every day like we do.
we are from germany
Meine Freundin und ich suchen spieler, die wie wir Geschenke jeden Tag verschicken.
I’m sending gifts daily to at least those who send gifts to me
my Trainer code: 8629 5843 8768
5721 7696 6593 add me from argentina