Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Guys this is my second post…
i still have some slots on my list…
i usually send gifts daily…
so anyone needs supplies make sure to add…
and pls…
do try to open the gift within 3 days…
1597 1993 4456

Add me 6091 1180 3494

7377 8553 2969

4377 3947 7595


Add me to swap gifts with each other


Add me guys and . i need more friends lol

Hey all,
My trainer code is 2121 4837 7914
Feel free to add me.
Thanks, Roguey1987

Feel free to add me :slight_smile:

Greetings, from Amsterdam / The Netherlands

Hi my trainer code is 7628 7866 0276 feel free to add me (i am from belgium)

Please add me and my fiancé 2436 2415 7066 and 5466 2610 2647

9700 2049 5962 - german player with to many gifts

Hi, brazilian player
7158 9670 2789

Hello guys, looking for asian friends, please add me !

plz add me
5134 4591 0921

4731 1982 0885 From the Netherlands. Add me :smiley:


Where are you from? I need someone from Delhi/ Gurgaon for trading. My trainer code is: 5048 0985 8669.

I need someone from India - Delhi/ Gurgaon for trading. My trainer code is: 5048 0985 8669.

Hi all. Play almost everyday and will gift all I can.